Op. Dr. Mustafa Salih Canpolat
2019 – Private Üsküdar HospitalTürk – Otorhinolaryngology
2018-2019 Bolu İzzet Baysal State Hospital – Otorhinolaryngology
2016-2018 Şanlıurfa Education and Research Hospital- Otorhinolaryngology
2012-2016 Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital – Otorhinolaryngology
2004-2011 İnönü Faculty of Medicine – Medical Doctor Education – Otorhinolaryngology
Medical Specialty Thesis
“Investigation of the radioprotective effects of black cumin oil on major salivary glands and blood parameters”
1- Surmeli M, Deveci I, Canakci H, Canpolat MS, Karabulut B, Yilmaz AAS. Effect of Body Mass Index on Auricular Morphology and Auditory Functions. Ear Nose Throat J. 2019 Aug;98(7):E81-E86. doi: 10.1177/0145561319840579.
2- Çanakcı H, Yılmaz AŞ, Canpolat MS, Şeneldir H, Kir G, Eriş AH, Mayadağli A, Oysu Ç, “Evaluation of the Effect of Topical Application of Nigella Sativa on Acute Radiation-Induced Nasal Mucositis” , Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2018 May; 29(3): e279-e282, doi:10.1097/SCS.0000000000004314
3- Çağatay Oysu, Mehmet Sürmeli, Hasan Çanakcı, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, cVEMP for diagnosis of a small acoustic neurinoma (case presentation poster)(A0034) 7th International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma 12-15 April 2015 in Shanghai,China
4- Çanakcı H, Yılmaz AŞ, Canpolat MS, Şeneldir H, Kir G, Eriş AH, Mayadağli A, Oysu Ç, Assessment of the effect of local application of nigella sativa oil on acute radiation-induced nasal mucositis in rats -apreliminary study (ERS2016-0494) ERS-2016 3-7 Julu 2016 Rhinological Disorders-A Health priority for the future Stockholm ,Sweden
5- Burak Karabulut, Salih Canpolat, Çağatay Oysu, Intrathyroidal Paragangliomas new case report and review of literature
6- Sürmeli M, Deveci İ, Yılmaz AŞ, Canpolat MS, Önder S, Oysu Ç “Complications of otitis media” , Medeniyet Medical Journal, 2016; 31(2): 110-114
7- Hasan Çanakcı ,Mustafa Salih Canpolat,Ayşe Aslı Şahin Yılmaz ,Murat Hakan Karabulut,Çağatay Oysu ,Schwannoma of the Frontoethmoid Region (case report) 9th Turkish Rhinology Congress May 23-26, 2013
8- İldem Deveci, Y.K.Duymaz,Adnan Cırık, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Ahmet Akçay, Çağatay Oysu , Giant Ethmoid Bulla causing Maxillary Sinusitis (case report, poster)(P-137) 10th Turkish Rhinology Congress 22-25 May 2014
9- Mustafa Salih Canpolat ,İldem Deveci ,Çağatay Oysu, Laryngeal Carcinosarcoma, (Case presentation, poster) 36th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress,November 5-9, 2014
10- Ayşe Aslı Şahin Yılmaz, İldem Deveci, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Hasan Çanakcı, Çağatay Oysu, Spontaneous CSF Rhinorrhea-Two Cases (Case Report)(Poster)(PP-197) 11th Turkish Rhinology Congress April 16-19, 2015
11- Çağatay Oysu, Mehmet Sürmeli, Ayşe Aslı Şahin Yılmaz, İldem Deveci, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Şamil Şahin, Beyhan Ceylaner Endoscopic Cordectomy with Radiofrequency Microdissection Electrodes in the Treatment of Early Glottic Cancer(Oral Presentation)(SS-3085) 37th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress 28 October-1 November 2015
12- Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Serap Önder, İldem Deveci, Mehmet Sürmeli, Aslı Ayşe Şahin Yılmaz, Çağatay Oysu, Complications of Otitis Media, (poster)(PS-1090) 37th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress 28 October-1 November 2015
13- Betül Aktaş, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, İrfan Küçük, İldem Deveci, Çağatay Oysu, Primary Thyroid Lymphoma: Case Report (Electronic poster)(EP-064) 37th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress October 28-November 1, 2015
14- Mehmet Sürmeli, İldem Deveci, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Hasan Çanakcı,Çağatay Oysu ,Examination of the resonator effects of auricle anatomy on hearing physiology (oral presentation)(OSS-034) 12th National Rhinology Congress-4. National Otology and Neurotology Congress April 21-24, 2016
15- Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Ayşe Aslı Şahin Yılmaz, Çağatay Oysu, Eray Metin Güler, Şahbettin Selek, Ali Hikmet Eriş, Alpaslan Mayadağlı, Olgu Enes Tok, Mukaddes Eşrefoğlu. Radioprotective Effects of Black Cumin Seed Oil on Rat Major Salivary Glands and Blood Parameters (Oral Report)(SB-016) 38th Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress October 26-30, 2016